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The book "Modern Runtime System and Compiler Design" takes the reader on the fascinating trip through the full stack of modern compilers and runtime systems, academically founded and yet practice-centered:
- Lexing/Scanning
- Parsing
- Semantic Checking
- Code Generation
- Static Analysis
- Code Optimization
- Virtual Machine
- Interpreter
- Object-Oriented Runtime Support
- Type Polymorphism
- Garbage Collection
- Just-in-Time Compilation
The accompanying project allows the readers to develop a full-fledged compiler and virtual machine for a realistic Java-like object-oriented programming language, targeting the Intel 64 processor.
About the author:
Prof. Dr. Luc Bläser is a professor of computer science at OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (formerly named HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil).
Independently published
ISBN 978-3-033-08044-7
Copyright (c) by Prof. Dr. Luc Bläser