Modern Runtime System and Compiler Design Book (Luc Bläser)

book cover

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Compiler and Runtime System Project
    2. Why Compiler or Runtime System Design?
    3. Overall Learning Goals
    4. Getting Started
  2. Overview
    1. General Architectures
    2. Compiler Structure
    3. Runtime System Structure
  3. Programming Language
    1. Language Specification
    2. Syntax Specification
    3. Extended Backus-Naur Form
    4. EBNF for Arithmetic Expressions
    5. Problematic Syntax
    6. Special EBNF Features
    7. Other Syntax Notations
    8. Syntax Summary
    9. Semantic Specification
    10. Our Programming Language J0
    11. Project Instructions
  4. Lexer
    1. Task of a Lexer
    2. Tokens
    3. Regular Languages
    4. An Excursion in Language Theory
    5. Lexing Based on Finite Automaton
    6. Maximum Munch
    7. White Spaces
    9. Token Representation
    10. The Lexer Implementation
    11. Scanning Integers
    12. Handling the Minimum Integer Literal
    13. Scanning Identifiers and Keywords
    14. Skipping Comments
    15. Scanning String Literals
    16. Error Handling
    17. Lexer Generators
    18. Project Instructions
  5. Parser
    1. Context-Free Languages
    2. Task of a Parser
    3. Parse Tree
    4. Abstract Syntax Tree
    5. Parsing Strategies
    6. Recursive Descent Parser
    7. The Parser Implementation
    8. Predictive Direct Parsing
    9. The Lexer Implementation
    10. Parser Classification
    11. Parser Generators
    12. Abstract Syntax Tree Design
    13. Syntax Tree Construction
    14. Syntax Error Handling
    15. Undetected Errors in the Parser
    16. Syntax-Directed Translation
    17. Powerfulness of LR-Parsers
    18. Building an SLR-Parser
    19. Bottom-Up Parsing
      1. Adjusted Grammar
      2. State Machine
      3. Constructing the Parsing Table
      4. Running the Bottom-Up Parser
    20. Project Instructions
  6. Semantic Checker
    1. Task of a Semantic Checker
    2. Symbol Table
    3. Shadowing
    4. Local Variable Scopes
    5. Symbol Table Design
    6. Predefined Declarations
    7. Semantic Checker Resolution
    8. Symbol Table Construction
    9. Type Resolution in Symbol Table
    10. Name Resolution
    11. Designator Resolution in the AST
    12. Type Resolution in AST
    13. Visitor-Based Type Resolution
    14. Semantic Checks
    15. Checking Declarations
    16. Method Calls
    17. Type Checking
    18. Reserved Type and Constant Names
    19. Unique Declarations
    20. Dynamic Rules
    21. Intermediate Representation
    22. Project Instructions
  7. Code Generator
    1. Compiler Frontend and Backend
    2. Task of Code Generator
    3. Targeting a Virtual Machine
    4. Stack Processor
    5. Instruction Set
    6. Control Flow
    7. Metadata
    8. Bytecode Generation
    9. Bytecode Assembler
    10. Template-Based Code Generation
    11. Translating Structured Statements
    12. Code-Generation Implementation
    13. Conditional Evaluation
    14. Method Calls
    15. Potential Optimizations
    16. Project Instructions
  8. Code Optimization
    1. Task of an Optimizer
    2. Arithmetic Optimization
    3. Algebraic Simplification
    4. Moving Loop-Invariant Code
    5. Common Subexpression Elimination
    6. Dead Code Elimination
    7. Copy Propagation
    8. Constant Propagation
    9. Partial Redundancy Elimination
    10. Optimization Techniques
    11. Static Single Assignment
    12. Peephole Optimization
    13. Dataflow Analysis
      1. Control Flow Graph
      2. Dataflow Computation
      3. Application to Constant Propagation
      4. Backwards Analysis
      5. Dataflow Analysis Classification
    14. Summary
    15. Project Instructions
  9. Virtual Machine & Interpretation
    1. Virtual Machine
    2. Virtual Machine Design
    3. Loader
    4. Verifier
    5. Descriptors
    6. Code Patching
    7. VM Implementation
    8. Interpreter
    9. Procedural Support
    10. Managed Call Stack
    11. Unmanaged Call Stack
    12. Runtime Structures
    13. Security and Safety Measures
    14. Interpretation versus Compilation
    15. Project Instructions
  10. Object-Oriented Runtime Support
    1. Compiler Support for Objects
    2. Out-Of-Scope Features
    3. Heap Management
    4. Object References
    5. Native Memory Access
    6. Object Layout
    7. Object-Specific Interpretation
    8. Array Support
    9. Simple Heap Design
    10. Upcoming Object-Oriented Support
    11. Project Instructions
  11. Inheritance and Type Polymorphism
    1. Single Inheritance
    2. Code Reuse
    3. Type Polymorphism
    4. Efficient Type Tests and Casts
    5. Ancestor Tables
    6. Virtual Method Calls
    7. Virtual Tables
    8. Interface Polymorphism
    9. Multi-Inheritance
    10. Project Instructions
  12. Garbage Collection
    1. Explicit Deallocation
    2. Dangling Pointer
    3. Memory Leak
    4. Definition of Garbage
    5. Reference Counting
    6. Garbage Collector
    7. Transitive Reachability
    8. Root Set
    9. Mark & Sweep Algorithm
    10. GC Implementation
    11. GC Trigger
    12. Stop-And-Go GC
    13. Root Set Collection
    14. Mark Flag
    15. Block Pointer Offsets
    16. GC Memory Footprint
    17. Free List
    18. Segregated Free Lists
    19. External Fragmentation
    20. Compacting GC
    21. Finalizers
    22. Resurrection
    23. Finalizer Implementation
    24. Finalizer Problems
    25. Weak References
    26. Incremental Garbage Collection
    27. Generational GC
    28. Partitioned GC
    29. Garbage Collection in C++?
    30. Project Instructions
  13. Just-In-Time Compiler
    1. Task of the JIT-Compiler
    2. Hot Spots
    3. Profiling
    4. Intel 64 Architecture
    5. Instruction Set
    6. Cross-Compilation
    7. Template-Based Code Generation
    8. Register Allocation
    9. Local Register Allocation
    10. Register Clobbering
    11. Branch Instructions
    12. Global Register Allocation
    13. JIT-Compiler Implementation
    14. Allocation Consistency on Branches
    15. Register Pressure
    16. Optimal Global Register Allocation
    17. Assembler and Linker
    18. Native Stack Management
    19. Native Code Execution
    20. Other JIT-Compiler Aspects
    21. Project Instructions
  14. Conclusion
    1. Out-of-Scope Topics
    2. Review of the Learning Goals
    3. Final Remark
  • Appendix A: J0 Language Specification
  • Appendix B: J0 Bytecode Specification
  • Appendix C: AntLR 4 Grammar for J0
  • Bibliography
  • Index